As it's a valve amp (presumably?) there's not much it could damage anyway - unless of course it's only a 'pretend' valve amp and is mostly solid-state with a few valves. But even then, it shouldn't be too catastrophic.
some of the best sounding effects pedals used germanium transistors... the "Crybaby Wah" pedal and the original "Fuzzface" fuzzbox used germanium transistors.
Yeah, I don't like the shrieking of the cellos being destroyed and I don't like the hillbillies singing their Country music.
What was nice is that both songs had no fuzz and no overdriven electronics.
Yeah, I don't like the shrieking of the cellos being destroyed and I don't like the hillbillies singing their Country music.
What was nice is that both songs had no fuzz and no overdriven electronics.
back when I was broke, the only bands that sounded good through my $69.00 car stereo were the bands that played with as much distortion as my $69.00 car stereo. I'll put AC/DC in the "were a good band based on my current taste" category. Kind of like, "Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer was a good beer based on my current taste (and financial situation) in the 1970s". Since then, I've realized i can afford to enjoy myself so I don't drink PBR and I don't listen to AC/DC.
A bowed instrument plays a waveform something like a sawtooth with all harmonics that reduce in amplitude at higher frequencies, and a flute plays something like a sinewave.
I think the only instruments that play a fuzzy overdriven waveform are an electric guitar and an electromagnet buzzer.
An acoustic guitar sounds good.
A conventional electric guitar pickup produces "clean" audio waveforms.
The same pickups are sometimes used in electro-acoustic guitars & piezo pickups as more often used in electro-acoustic guitars are sometimes used in electric guitars.
Any overdrive is an external processing effect, which can be equally used with electric guitars or electro-acoustics (or any acoustic guitar with an add-on pickup).
There is no fundamental difference in the audio signal produced from either type - it's mostly conventions and playing styles that divide the two.
Examples - go to about 0:50 in this one:
And the beginning of this one: