Tube amplifiers sound really good to me.
I think so to but:
There are certain things you can do (distortion) that sound good. "warm" Some people like tube sound better.
There are two thoughts about how to make good amplifiers.
1) Make each stage low gain. 5 to 10 Then just live with that gain and distortion.
2) Make each stage high gain and use feedback. High gain comes with bad distortion in part because we don't care & no one remembers how to make amps with out distortion. Then use feedback to make the output follow the input.
When a amp is over driven into distortion, Tube amps (and FET amps) have a tendency to round top distort. Amps with heavy feedback flat top. Worse yet, transistor amps, when driven into their supplies, get sticky. The output will get stuck at the supply and it takes time for the output to pull back off the supply. (I should send pictures)
My opinion is that tube amps, when driven
too hard, have a distortion that is less objectionable.
I think amplifiers should not color music. It should reproduce exactly what it sees.