Solutions for trail exam

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New Member
Hi.can someone please help me with solutions for these question.they are questions from a trail exam.pretty desperate-and will pay for them if i have to.needed by 3rd November 2010 5am AEST.



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You seem to missing the point, exams are to see what YOU know, not what we know - cheating doesn't help anyone, least of all you.
I assume he wanted to say "trial" exams. Where trail exams would involve knots, wilderness survival stuff like that.

What is the test for? These questions seem a bit advanced for a first year student.
...pretty desperate-and will pay for them if i have to.needed by 3rd November 2010 5am AEST.

Just out of interest, how much are you willing to pay?
$10, $100, $1000 or ?

What would you do if having paid good money, the answers you received were incorrect?

Enquiring minds need to know.

How about $50 because it's just a trail exam and $50 afterward if i pass the final exam?
Since you won't learn anything from buying the answers to this exam, what happens at your next exam? Are you just going to keep buying your way through school? And are you going to buy the answers for your work when you get a job with your bogus diploma? I don't think you'll last long on the job.
Hi.can someone please help me with solutions for these question.they are questions from a trail exam.pretty desperate-and will pay for them if i have to.needed by 3rd November 2010 5am AEST.



Are you asking for the answers alone or are you asking how to solve these circuits/questions?
We can help you solve these circuit questions. It's probably going to take more than a day though.
If you were to take another similar test by yourself they would most likely use different circuits and/or component values, so you would have to know how to go about finding the solutions yourself anyway.
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