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New Member
I have worked enough on AT89C51. I have done many projects doing this.

But now when i am going for a bit large projects, AT89C51 often seems not up to the task.

Can any body guide me to other microcontrollers that are similar to use but has more features like RAM ROM and ports etc.

I have heard about AVR and Mega32 microcontrollers can any body guide me to the right path. I dont need spoon feeding just all i need is a guide line and recommendations from you experts and some references to good websites that have some related material in it

junck said:
I have heard about AVR and Mega32 microcontrollers can any body guide me to the right path.
A Mega32 is just one of many AVR chip models. AVRs are quite nice to use. **broken link removed** has a pretty good range of MCUs. Probably not as many different models as Microchip PICs, but decent.
**broken link removed**

Atmel has a nice new (and inexpensive) programmer called the Dragon. I own one and, though I haven't used it too much yet, have found it to be very nice to use. Does everything the old STK500 does and then some. I own an STK500 too. They're very good, but a bit old fashioned compared to the Dragon:
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Yea, I vote for the dragon as well if you pick AVR. I only use my stk-500 to erase AVRs built in screwups..

But, on the dragon, I had to make a bunch of jumpers and setting it up in a little bit of a pain. But if you pick (no pun) an AVR you like and stay with you can leave all the jumpers alone.

If you go PIC, look at for the junebug or still nice inchworm plus. The new 18F pics are next one my list to play with.
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