Some more of my daughters videos

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Nigel Goodwin

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This is another of my daughter's bands, called Jumblesale Gypsies - they are a six piece band, which are no longer able to get together, but were asked to do a short 'one off' gig. They even managed to get together for a single practice the Saturday before the gig the following Thursday.

Unfortunately, Tuesday or so, they heard from two members of the band that they couldn't make it (keyboards and guitar), so they had to improvise as a four piece:

Drummer played guitar.
Bassist played drums.
Piano accordion player played bass (plus flute and sang as normal).
Lizzies played clarinet and sang (as normal).

These are the three songs they played, except for Lizzie none had ever played these songs on those instruments, they had no practice, and not even a sound check!. Notice Charlie the guitarist is sat down, and looking at the floor - he had a chord list down there

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I think they did pretty damn well under the circumstances!.
Cool !!!!!!!!!

Thats not (easy) and scary too when your doin somebody elses part.

Hey, my friends and I did some jamming back in the day. Not to experienced but when ever they needed a practice guy I was their.

I personally was not gifted but a couple went on to play semi prof. My best friend played a Woodstock wanna be in front of 40k people.

He also managed to open for Carlos Santana with a band name "Under The Gun". The lead singer was from the "Guess Who." (After he moved to the States)

The drummer I grew up with lived down the street became a backup drummer for Grandfunk Railroad.

Most went on ok, meanwhile others didn't but overall it was a blast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Rock till the Sun Goes Down" Best wishes to her.

kv Whooooa !
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they sounded quite good ! must take a lot of guts to do that sort of thing, although i suppose being good at it must make it easier .
btw i presume she get's her looks from her mother?
monkeybiter said:
they sounded quite good ! must take a lot of guts to do that sort of thing, although i suppose being good at it must make it easier .

She's been performing a long time - Tom the drummer impressed me, he's almost two years younger (one school year behind) - and he's not very experienced. Melissa and Charlie have been playing together (in various guises) for almost five years now - we call them 'the collective', it's like the Borg have assimilated them

They think so alike, they can play together without knowing what the other is playing - Melissa can watch Charlie play guitar and follow it on the bass in real time, she watches what chords he plays and plays the root note.

btw i presume she get's her looks from her mother?

Bear in mind Doncaster isn't very far away! and I have a 3rd degree black belt and a house full of weapons!
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