Some of my Home PCB Prints. How r they Nice or Not bad ?

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What do u guys think?

This is how exactly i do it

YouTube - Learn how to screenprint your own t-shirts
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Nice work! What techniques are you using? Photo, Toner Transfer, silk screening, etc?
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Real excellent work. How do you make the silk screen?

One word concerning soldering of components:

Appearantly you cut the wires after soldering. It's better practice to shorten the wires before soldering. That way the cut off ends will also be covered with a thin layer of soldering tin preventing oxydation, hence longer life time of the entire circuit.

For equal wire length use a 1mm plastic or metal piece glued on the bottom blade of the cutter.

I was taught to resolder the pad (or reflow the solder) after cutting. Same difference I guess.

Thanks for the idea. Yes im using silk screens. Its time taking but its worth.
What did you use for tin plating? Or is that silver oxide?
Good question. I find that I need to look into some form of plating too. For hand soldering I sprayed a thin layer of acrylic after etching which prevented oxidization. But that does not work with hot air or heating in a oven or fry pan(sparkfun).

So what is the plating ?

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The "plating" looks like photoresist thats been left on the board.

According to the manufacturers of the photoresist boards I use it can be left on as a conformal coating and soldered through but I've not had much luck doing this.
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