some please help me for christ's sake!

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New Member
i planned to do some daring 89c51 based projects, and so i bought a flash programmer, 2 89c51s, and numerous other electronic bits and pieces like capacitors, oscillators etc, that made me broke!
and when i pluged the prgrammed 89c51 in the bread board, forget making 7 segments work, i can't seem to get a simple freakin LED to blink!
take this program for example:
ORG 0000H
MOV P1,#00H
when i insert the micricintroller in, and turn the supply on,
there could not be any wiring errors, i've checked the simple circuit 100s of times!
the flash programmer seems to be working fine, i've replaced the 8951 too....

could someone please tell me what the hell is going on? this is a lot of money thst's going to waste, please help me people!
You need to post a schematic. You say that there is nothing happening, but that is not strictly true. In particular you need to convince us and yourself that the oscillator is oscillating and that ALE is beating up and down at the appropriate rate. Other pins to check are RESET* and EA*. Suboptimal connections there will have a dramatic effect.

BTW, Christ has nothing to do with our willingness to help you, despite your somewaht brusque manner.
come on people, alright i apolagise for bringing a third party in this discussion, but this ain't funny to me, by the way here is the circuit diagram of my disaster:
**broken link removed**
come on people, alright i apolagise for bringing a third party in this discussion, but this ain't funny to me, by the way here is the circuit diagram of my disaster:
**broken link removed**

Why not post the picture here, instead of some crappy site where it doesn't work?.
Make a one liner program first like writing 55h to the port.
If it's programmed the problem I'm guessing is with the crystal/capacitors.
Make a one liner program first like writing 55h to the port.
If it's programmed the problem I'm guessing is with the crystal/capacitors.

The diagram doesn't show any decoupling across the power pins, assuming they aren't fitted that might be causing problems?.
Chances of an answer are rapidly approaching a very low order of probability.

Don't count on it.
There is a very long propagation delay, sometimes years, between your request and the answer, especially if there are people ahead of you in line.
Don't count on it.
There is a very long propagation delay, sometimes years, between your request and the answer, especially if there are people ahead of you in line.
In fact, for the non believers it may well be infinite.
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