some quations about a simple robot

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New Member
i want to make a robot which detect walls and chooses the correct path.
robot's micro controller and complier will be Atmega32L , codevision.
four IR sensor will be wall detectors.
here is the circuit of IR sensor
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my problems:
1.the range of IR sensor is too short it can only detect thing closer than 20 cm (if i use 5mm photodiode LED receiver )
how can i increase the range up to 1Meter
or its better to use ultrasonic sensor as distance meter???
(if yes could you tell me how can i use this sensor with atmega 32 and can i use 2 sensors on one atmega 32??)
2.what is the best xtal's frequence for atmega32 in order to run the program quickly?? can i drive 2 motors, control the speed of them and change the rotation orientation easily??(lm298??? if yes could you learn me how?)
sorry for my bad english
thanks for your guidance
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If you can find this book ...
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In the chapter on interrupt handling, there is one problem/outline for setting up an echo sounding range finder, using an ultrasonic transmitter and receiver pair.
It is suggested that the ultrasonic range is 2.5 m, with a resolution of 1 cm. You might have to read more of the chapter to fill in the details ....

This material is definitely in the first edition of the book. I am not absolutely sure about the second edition. .... It seems like the general idea could be transferred to the micro that you have chosen. ....
i found ultrasonic modules
but i dont khow how use this modules?
4 pins= 5 volt gnd T and R
what is the T and R pin???
i think if connect 5 volt to T pin for a while after echo the sound the R pin give me 5 volt
i found ultrasonic modules
but i dont khow how use this modules?
4 pins= 5 volt gnd T and R
what is the T and R pin???
i think if connect 5 volt to T pin for a while after echo the sound the R pin give me 5 volt

Maybe it is something like this:
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can you give me some info about "l298" and datasheet
how it works?
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l298 seems to be popular on this site ....
I haven't use it ..... I have used an Allegro stepper controller ....
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Very simple to use ..... just set up the logic for what kind of step you want, and then input a pulse for each step .....
Actually I used the Allegro 5804, but that is no longer available.
I think the A3977 has greater power handling.
i am studing about the auto robot that is i am working on that sub please send some information about that
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