Something wrong

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For some reason ETO on PC and ETO on Mobile dont jel.

Im here on my PC now.
All is OK.
I cant even log in.

Opera Mini 8 on phone
All other forums ok with that on mobile.
Except here.

Even AAC works

Something is wrong with your phone. You can try using a not mini browser like chrome. Which OS version are you using?
Nope, not the phone.

All other forums I frequent its OK.

Phone is Nokia 311.
When I hear Nokia and I think even more that its the phone. if it works from the computer its certainly the phone. The question is what about it. Are you using windows phone 7?
OK....have got it working.
The trick was to log out on my comp and create a new password and than log back in
Sounds like something was getting cached and the new password caused a reload.

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