Sony Playstation 2 controller to PIC

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I want to interface a sony playstation 2 controller to a PIC for robot controller.

Also I would use a wireless PS2 controler so I could control the robot wirelessly.

Any Idea's
I have code for the 16F877 that interfaces with a PS1 controller. I wouldn't think
that it would be to difficult to get it to talk to a PS2 controller.
I havn't looked into the differences so I could not say for sure.

As for the wireless portion I would expect that it would be transparent to the PS2.

I used a PS1 controller and a set of wireless trancievers to control a robot. Worked like
a charm.

Good luck,
I have a basic schematic for an AVR version here (for PSX). If you figure out how to request data from these PS2 types please let me know because no one seems to have data on them.
Here is the code for the PS1 controller. I didn't origonally write it but when I got the code I had
to modify it a lot to get it to work.
This program will read the controller and dump the data out the hardware UART. Crystal is 4MHz.

Hope this gets you started.


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By the way GTAman, exactly what type of PS2 controller were you using? I'm guessing it's the standard dual shock 2 type?

Ya I am going with a wireless ps2 controller with dual shock 2.

it is a nice controller for only $25.00 it was a good deal.
Wow! That was fast! :lol:

Well, if it helps, I'm using a Gamester "Phoenix" controller (the orange one) but honestly, I've barely taken it out of the box. I'm trying to revive my PS2 experiment starting next week so maybe I can let you know if I find anything useful from it. Like an ID# or something.

If I get anywhere I will post it up for everyone, also I might not be able to finish this project till I finish my hi-tech shed.
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