Two flashes isn't very helpful, as it's just 'trip anytime', so gives no specific information.
There's a protection line, labelled 'PROT' on socket CN902 pin 9, this goes high if the hardware protection circuits are triggered, so check the voltage on that point for a start, see if it's going high.
Other than that, protection is also triggered via the I2C bus, if the processor doesn't receive the correct replies over the bus, then it goes into protect mode, and (hopefully) gives a more helpful flashing sequence.
Although as it checks the IC's on the I2C bus in sequence, any direct fault on the bus (such as a data or clock line short) will fail on the first IC it checks, which may not (and usually isn't) the issue.
I wouldn't expect adjusting the vertical position to cause the set to trip out - but if the PROT line is going high?, then check the cathode of D505 (vertical protection), see if that's going high - if it is, then it should be 3.6V or so higher than the PROT line.