Soooo tired...

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Well-Known Member
Bonkers hours I have been working. Start work at 4pm on Sunday, start again at 6am on Monday, cleaning tills for a supermarket chain. OMFG. This week has been especially hard with my hotel being 90miles away from work location - at least it was only the quiet part of the M6 going up into the Lake District - staying in Penrith, working around Bolton. Okay I know these places don't mean anything to most forum members, but I have to moan and groan somewhere! At least my week is only 4 days + a few hours.

I had been trying to start work at 4am but with that journey in the morning (and having to find breakfast somewhere) no chance (and I don't think there would be anyone there at those branches anyway). They yesterday after work I had the drive down the other part of the M6 through Brum and all the usual rush hour holdups. 4 hours to do 120miles. No wonder I can hardly keep awake. Last week (or possibly next to the last) of contract next week - they are sending me to Ireland - never been there, then I have to look for work again So it looks like for the time being I'm officially an EPOS engineer.

Hi Throb

That is the Crap that happens. Just when you think you have it get thrown another curved ball...

My Champion Tech.....alongside on the bench with me has been ill lately. Started as a growth in his groin. Got it removed. Sorted.
And then muttered something about stomach beer he said..

He is going to be operated on Monday for suspected Colon to cut him open. And check and see

Does not look good though.

Depressing things. At the rate things are going, I will be the only living tvtech around in a little while. So much work and so little help..
And I am trying to cope with my " ****** " wish me well.
Behave yourself! - Moderation

Been through worse things years ago. Bit too old for this now. But hey....I know the road. I know how to advise. I know how to prevent mistakes. I know how to maybe "teach"....

And Throb, sorry for taking over your thread.

Life is sometimes a B with an ITCH.

All the best,
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No worries, it can be a general moaning thread, I don't mind
Best wishes for your colleague - cancer is a horrible disease, I've lost 3 family members to it.
And I didn't know about your finger - hope it gets better.
No worries, it can be a general moaning thread, I don't mind
Best wishes for your colleague - cancer is a horrible disease, I've lost 3 family members to it.
And I didn't know about your finger - hope it gets better.

Now you see throb..

Don't shake your head and walk away. This was the thread you started. You had to get something off your chest.
Just because I rock up here and talk about stuff does not mean I am qualified to do so on your thread.

I feel terrible. Your original post:

Bonkers hours I have been working. Start work at 4pm on Sunday, start again at 6am on Monday, cleaning tills for a supermarket chain. OMFG. This week has been especially hard with my hotel being 90miles away from work location - at least it was only the quiet part of the M6 going up into the Lake District - staying in Penrith, working around Bolton. Okay I know these places don't mean anything to most forum members, but I have to moan and groan somewhere! At least my week is only 4 days + a few hours.

I had been trying to start work at 4am but with that journey in the morning (and having to find breakfast somewhere) no chance (and I don't think there would be anyone there at those branches anyway). They yesterday after work I had the drive down the other part of the M6 through Brum and all the usual rush hour holdups. 4 hours to do 120miles. No wonder I can hardly keep awake. Last week (or possibly next to the last) of contract next week - they are sending me to Ireland - never been there, then I have to look for work again So it looks like for the time being I'm officially an EPOS engineer.
Oh plenty of those, but the company I'm currently working for have a deal with a particular hotel chain, and my boss's theory is that they didn't have a room anywhere nearer. I don't mind, so long as they keep paying me!

OK. Let me start again throb..

How old are you Buddy?
We can work through this stuff and find solutions
Cor blimey, well, I was born in the summer of Luuurrvve so I'm pretty ancient by now. But honestly, nothing to work through, no solutions to find. Contract finishes in a week or two, I'll probably be scrabbling around for bits and pieces of work until the next one, with sane hours...

Now I am stumped..."summer of Luuurrvve" South Africans don't know letters meant as uhm...things
As a quick guess it would mean you are around 90 Years old/young or so.

The clue is in the "I'm pretty ancient by now". Tells me you are just a little under a Century.

Time to stop working and relax

All the best,
Funny they will pay you to drive to a location fuel and all time on the road. Yet only to save a few ("Bucks" = "Pounds") seems silly when you think of it.
Really? I'm pretty sure if you search for "summer of love" you will find lots of information! It was the height of the hippy era, about halfway through the latter half of the 1960's. Now, since I intend to live until at least 23Aug 2100, when I will be a little over 133, I have only (at least) 86 years left to live and I'm trying to make the best of it, dammit! So I guess that's 86 years young...

KV - companies do crazy things like this all the time. I guess the overall saving is worth the occasional f*** up like this.
A typical hitch in the oilfield for me will log in something like 200 - 220 hours for a 15 day outing.

You can figure it out from there.

BTW I just went on days off today and I clocked in yesterday at 5 PM and punched out at noon today.
Groan. Another week over. Ireland this time! Had an extra day over there. Oh well, so long as they keep paying me. Long drive to and from the ferry port, 3 hours each way. Long ride on the ferry, straight to work from (or before, coming back) the boat. Looks like I'm doing it again in 2 days.

Why is it, I can have the guts of a till out all over the place, I'm not wearing the shop's uniform, and I'm holding a screwdriver, and still people will put their shopping on the belt thinking I'm going to serve them? Seems stupidity is universal...
Well two years ago I was living 37 miles drive from work. The drive was taking between about an hour and an hour and 20 minutes each way.

Then work put on a bus, which saved a lot of driving, so I was only driving 22 miles each way, and it took a little longer, about and hour and a quarter to an hour and a half, but the bus went right up to the offices so I didn't take 10 minutes to get from the car park.

It was still too much for me, so I suggested that we moved house. My wife decided that 8 miles from work was too far from her sister, so we move to 25 miles from work, 8 miles from the bus. God knows why I agreed.

I've been moved at work, to 10 minutes from where the bus drops off. Long term road works mean that it can take 20 minutes extra for the bus to get to to the bus stop, and 20 minutes more for me to drive away from the bus stop. We no longer have a garage, so it can take 10 minutes more to defrost the car. Traffic near work is worse so the 18 mile bus trip often takes over an hour.

So I'm now often taking nearly 2 hours to get to work, an hour and a half to get back.

I don't know what to do. I may give up the job. I'm probably too old to get another one. We won't be able to afford to keep the house.
Diver300, my heart goes out to you, I truly understand. FWIW, the contract finishes tomorrow, so I'm back to scrabbling for bits and pieces of work again. At least no more getting up at 2/3/4am...
Well the wife was talking about having the washing machine and tumble drier on a raised surface to make loading and unloading easier. I suppose that might save her a minute or two a day.

If I point out that I spend over two hours a day getting to and from work, because she won't move any closer, I'm going to get shouted at. It's only just over half an hour each way, at 3 am, if I don't have to defrost the car, pick up my lift share or travel during rush hour. Admittedly, the traffic is better and it's usually under and hour and 15 mins to get to work, well over twice the national average.
Perhaps you should approach the subject in a way about how moving house could benefit her, like the tumble drier and washing machine being better situated for her.

Good news btw, I have a permanent job as an epos field service engineer. No more scrabbling round for bits of work and falling behind with the mortgage

And that is excellent news
I logged in especially to read your positive post

You made my day.

I did actually announce it a while ago when I was due to start, but you missed that thread Anyway, glad I made you happy
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