South Pointing Chariot (Electronic)

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After a while, a little under a fortnight, an analogue method has presented
itself to me.
Surprisingly i feel it is a better way than the digital method.
Its only errors would be in the wheel-to-ground traction, which can give
'slippage' between the relative wheel positions.
And of course, traversing hillsides obliquely where one wheel rises and falls
relative to the other, introducing a slightly longer path. This problem also
affects the electronic method.

I have not considered introducing a counter-effect to offset this last
innacuracy as i can think of no suitable sensor.

Regards, John
It's a course called design and build, It's a 2nd year module at Queen Mary university of London, dept of electronci/computer science.
Basically they are in 16 groups of 6 have to do this project, they will be given a "Dinsmore 1490 Digital Compass Sensor" (they can do it another way if they wish" and have to build a circuit and interface it with a PC and write the software, so please don't help them too much.


Dave in the electronics lab where this course is run.

(Think it's time to order some more extinquishers)
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