south pointing chariot

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design an build an electronic south pointing chariot (not

the pointing direction is read from the PC
As the chariot moves, the distance that the wheel(s) travel
should be collected,
the trajectory (direction and distance) that the chariot follows
is recorded in the PC.

should be able to find the magnetic north,
the pointing direction should be read from the PC,
as the chariot moves the pointing figure should always point to the prescribed direction,

can any body help me with that. i dont know where to start..
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This is for a class and they have given you some hardware to start with. What it it ?
What is the title and purpose of the class?

You are going to need wheels, axles, and a base to start with.

the pointing direction is read from the PC
As the chariot moves, the distance that the wheel(s) travel
should be collected,
the trajectory (direction and distance) that the chariot follows is recorded in the PC.

Given the above what electronics do you think you need on the chariot ?
What is the title and purpose of the class?
It's a course called design and build, It's a 2nd year module at Queen Mary university of London, dept of electronci/computer science.
Basically they are in 16 groups of 6 have to do this project, they will be given a "Dinsmore 1490 Digital Compass Sensor" (they can do it another way if they wish" and have to build a circuit and interface it with a PC and write the software, so please don't help them too much.


Dave in the electronics lab where this course is run.

(Think it's time to order some more extinquishers)
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