spark -flyback

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New Member
hello, im very new at this, plus i dont speak english very well.. im trying to make a sparker by using a flyback .. like in this page
but, ive got all the materials, except my flyback doesnt look like the one in the picture..
**broken link removed**
its more like that one.. can anyone help me.. ??

my question is which cables am i supposed to connect using my flyback.. i really need help.. its for a project. thank u !!!
The Flyback in the first link is an AC flyback, your's looks like a DC flyback. The 3055 driver is the most simple FB driver one can build. If you follow the instructions, it should work just fine. When locating the high voltage pin on the bottom, just bring the fat red wire near the bottom of the FB, which-ever pin it arcs to is the one you want. Pin-outs can change from FB to FB. Make sure your power supply is rated below the 3055 or you will kill it. This driver will not make huge sparks though..

Look into a 555 driver (can be audiomodulated to make a "plasma speaker", I have 2)
or build a ZVS / Mazzili driver. The ZVS is simple and can produce long arcs. Run any of these into a Marx Generator to produce up to 180kV.

NOTE: The voltages produced in a flyback are painful to say the least. The 10 to 20 kV produced WILL arc through insulated tools, and are very hot. Continuous operation will melt the pins, epoxy, wire insulation, and short the secondary coil.
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