speaker dc jack repair

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New Member
hi guys! new to the forum!
im an electronic enthusiast trying to repair a sony speaker (model srs x88).
the problem begun when my girlfriend plug a 1/4 mono male conector from a korg contact pickup directly to the dc power input jack, there was a spark, and after that the speaker never worked again.

so, i opend it and reach to the jack board. my asumption was that by changin the dc jack for a fresh one the problem will be solved, i mean, how could that broke the speaker completely?
this were exactly my steps.

1_ speaker works correctly
2_ 1/4 mono male connector plugged directly to speaker dc in jack (no power involved, the mono male connector is from a korg clip pickup. Nevertheless there was a spark coming from the jack)
3_after that speaker never worked again
4_ the original dc jack gets removed and i soldered a new one to the jackboard (little smaller than the original)
5_ cut original adapter tip and replace for a fresh one that will match the new smaller dcjack
6_speaker remains completely dead

maybe someone can point me what else could have gone wrong?
here are some pictures for help


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My first thought would be a voltage regulator has blown, rather than it being anything to do with the DC connectors themselves.

Some types are destroyed if the input side is shorted while there are capacitors on the output which still hold a charge.

Unfortunately even the so-called "service manual" does not appear to have circuit diagrams in it, so finding the fault will mean taking really good, clear, close-up photographs of the circuit boards so the connections from the DC input connector can be traced out to whatever components are involved.

The manual, for reference:
Unfortunately even the so-called "service manual" does not appear to have circuit diagrams in it

Standard procedure these days I'm afraid, they don't even provide circuits for £2000+ TV's, never mind for a cheap bought-in from China speaker.

Welcome to ETO.

I admire your enthusiasm resurrecting all these old threads and suggesting solutions to various problems, but consider that the threads are dead for a reason.
In the case of this thread, the originator (taviii) has not been back here since 22nd June, six months ago.
I think that he has either fixed the problem or lost interest.


Thats sad to hear that people lose interest in electronics. I thought a few months old thread is not "dead" yet. But I will try to help people out with new threads & questions in future. Thanks for your welcoming post.
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