Spectrum Analyzer...on my TV?!

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New Member
So I autoprogrammed my TV yesterday, and a brand new channel started showing up - channel 76. It's a spectrum analyzer...but why?

See attachment.

Edit: I tried this on several other TVs and the same thing showed up. The cable provider is http://avenuecable.com/ in Indiana.


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I have also seen that before, boring show after a minute or two though
Must be some sort of test channel for the cable company, I really don't know.
Thats that new reality show on fox! Analyze this!
Its geared twards the ultra techo geek crowd.
Stangely its also popular with the OCD types too. They get borred with it but still keep comming back!
Thats that new reality show on fox! Analyze this!
Its geared twards the ultra techo geek crowd.
Stangely its also popular with the OCD types too. They get borred with it but still keep comming back!

Now that is funny...
WOW! there really is a [WORD CENSORED]o channel for robots!

I can say **** but i cant say P.O.R.N.O. ????
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If your ever in the hospital and your heart monitor screen looks like this,
"Go into the light"
So I guess nobody has a clue about it then? Oh well, it is sort of funny...maybe this is how I can determine the content of my tv shows....the frequency content, anyways!
Call your cable company and ask to speak to someone in the technical department, don't ask to talk to anyone you get on the phone. Either a tech left a test mode on he didn't mean to or, well a tech left a test mode on he didn't mean to =)
I called and apparently that only have one department...there is no technical department...well, according to them. The lady said she would let "dispatch" know...whatever that means.
If it's still there in a week, call again, but be sly about it, try to sound officious and ask to speak to the technical director => That might get you somewhere. Even people need to be hacked sometime.
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