speed controler circuit for a newbie

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New Member
I am after a circuit diagram for a speed controler circuit for use with a motor.

I'm looking for a few different ones so any help would be greatly recieved
It would help a lot if you said what kind of motor.

The Control of different types of motors are Totally Different types of controls.


Attached is a simple speed control that uses either a 555 or 7555 IC.
The IC can only operate at a max of 200ma, so if your motor draws more than that maybe you could use a transistor switch-Im not sure.But if your motor draws less than 200ma then this circuit should do the job.
Hope it helps. :wink:


  • motor_speed_control.jpg
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unfortunatly that cct will not control the speed. For true speed controll you need speed feedback and a closeloop system the "error" of the demand and the speed feedback then can be used to drive something like the 555 cct above
Thanks styx

I see what you mean.This is just a basic speed control circuit that I found out of a book.Its not the best design for true speed I must admit.
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