speed mounitary system

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I need you to help me>>>

i have aspeed mounitary system project and I want the code for this project pay use MBLAP

the part use

1. pic16f628A
2. start count sensor
3. stop count sensor
4. 3. 7-segmant display

the method use
if the start sensor turn it on the 7-segment start count the speed if the stop sensor turn it on the mounitar give the speed the distance between start sensor and stop sensor 10 meters

I want the code for this chip pic16f628 ?
and I want now what is the good sensor for this project ?

Thank you very much
Ah, some better English this time I can now understand what you meant. If you can get a sensor working and have a go at writing the code (which won't be easy, I'll admit, as the PIC can't do divide, only add/subtract), I'll give you a hand, but I'm not going to write all the code for you


A bit of a misleading statement - of course a PIC can do divide (or any other mathematical function), it's just that like the majority of processors it doesn't have a single machine code instruction to do so.
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