Its ok I think I can tell the difference between 10mph and 15 or 20mph :roll: lol
actually I wish I could post a picture so you guys can see what I'm dealing with here.
Its a very narrow tarmac foot path approx 8-9foot wide 80 feet long treelined on one side and small houses on the other with the front entrance doors 3 foot from the path edge. Its predominantly a residents footpath with vehicular access to the properties. It turns 90 deg at the bottom to a small tarmacced turning and parking area.
A large white delivery van or Merc 4x4 suv charging down here at 25mph is really scary when you realise that children are playing with bikes and balls.
Logitech QuickCam Pro 4000 Webcam has a built in motion detector in the software..
so whenever a car or anything comes into view of the camera, it starts recording to hard drive..
Logitech QuickCam Pro 4000 Webcam has a built in motion detector in the software..
so whenever a car or anything comes into view of the camera, it starts recording to hard drive..
i'll check it out.
Some of the security camera video capture cards with PC software have that function also and you can set the frame rate for capture too .
I've seen one somewhere for about £100.00 ($180.00)
You could also look into getting a used police or sports radar unit (from ebay, for example). However, I don't know the legality of you using it since you haven't listed your locale. That would be something to talk with your local authorities about. Here's a link to an ebay search page: **broken link removed** This page shows several, some of which aren't too expensive. You'll still need to use a video recording system of some sort to provide documentation though.
1 video camera
1 can of paint
1 stop watch
1 clip board
Paint 2 lines across your drive way and set up the camera so it can see both lines. On play back when the front tyre hits the first line start the stop watch as soon as the tyre hits the 2nd line stop it.
If the lines are 20 meters apart. A car going 1kph will take 72 seconds to travel between the lines. Converting to MPH it should take 9 seconds for a car doing 5 Mph to tavel 20 meters (21.87 Yards). So anyone taking less than 9 seconds is speeding, you can work out the exact speed of each car.
Years ago we used to have cops in light planes doing this, that is timing cars crossing white lines on the highway and radioing the speed though to thier buddies up the road. We used to call them "Pigs in space".
Edit: another thought if you have a video player that has a counter in seconds and hundreds of a second you can frame advance until you have the tyres lined up then read the counter, no need for a stop watch. You can then tell them that such and such a car traveled 12.72 Mph crossing the lines with the tape as proof.
interesting idea dingo but it would be very crude and extremely hard to demonstrate satisfactorily to the people who are speeding. They would probably claim I had cheated with the stopwatch
Plus it would mean I would have to sit with a camera up on the roof for 2-3 days at 8 hours stretches !
Its a private access track to 7 dwellings so there is very little traffic throughout the day.
I am really looking for a standalone discreet electronic solution hence posting on this forum :roll:
Years ago we used to have cops in light planes doing this, that is timing cars crossing white lines on the highway and radioing the speed though to thier buddies up the road. We used to call them "Pigs in space".
Here in the US, we still have them. Don't know what they call 'em these days... Anyway, recently they caught a guy doing over 200 mph... on a motorcycle. Talk about a death wish. I'm sure peanut's problem isn't that severe, however, if you have playing children + speeding vehicles, that's cause for concern. **broken link removed** if you want to read it.