speedometer-code needed

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New Member

is it possible for any one and i mean any one who can provide me with the code for the PIC (reprogrammable PIC16F84) that could simply multiply the input pulses per sec. with 1.263 to give the speed of a rotating wheel in miles per hour. that is do do the following calculations,

Speed in mph=1.263*pulses per sec.

the pulses per second are pre counted by a counter. and the basic idea is to show the speed.
further explaination that may help you is as follow,
Well the summary is somewhat like this, magnetic sensors to be used passing the pulses picked up from a rotating wheel and passing it to the counter and then finally to the display that is a seven segment display. but the unit to be used for the display is mph. so 1.263 should be multiplied by the pulses in each sec. this will be done by the PIC. now i need the code for the PIC to do the job. after the multiplication the result is passed to the display.
i dont mind the code to be in Assbly or C-programme but i need to prgramme the PIC as i do not have much time. i need to complete the project fast.
so help me.
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