Spell checking

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I just noticed when making a post that spelling can be corrected in the editor by right clicking on the wrongly spelt ( spelled) word !!

Didn't read this anywhere but its a godsend for bad spellers like me
I just noticed when making a post that spelling can be corrected in the editor by right clicking on the wrongly spelt ( spelled) word !!

Didn't read this anywhere but its a godsend for bad spellers like me

It's most likely a function of your browser, Firefox for example does this.
Spell checkers are fine as far as they go, but they can't correct for context.
I see many posts in forums where the word is correctly spelled but doesn't make sense in the way it is used.
Simple spelling like "there or their" are not caught by a spell checker, as both are correctly spelled but could be incorrect in usage.
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