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Could anyone help me with getting pre-compiled binaries of SPICE (should be free, isn't it?) for windows? I mean original console spice without those extra graphical pieces of crap.

lexter said:

Could anyone help me with getting pre-compiled binaries of SPICE (should be free, isn't it?) for windows? I mean original console spice without those extra graphical pieces of crap.


The only spice software I know of for Windows (thats worth anything) has progressed past the 1980's and has graphical user interfaces.
The extra graphical pieces of crap are what makes Spice useable. There are some that I don't care for (e.g., Electronics Workbench), but that may be just because I'm more used to others. I really like SwitcherCAD III (AKA LTspice), mostly because it's free and it works well.
Perhaps you want the binaries so you can wrap it in your own shell, or link it in some other way to higher-level code?

Well, basically, I don't want to link it with any kind of graphical user interface. Just wanna be able to give it the plain text input and get the plain text output. No fancy schematic editing, no fancy drawings ... nothing ... just a plain text. 100% console mode.
You can do that with ltspice as well, I'm not sure if it has straight command line compile option but you can feed it standard spice files and get standard spice output.
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By the time you:

1) find one that is usable without graphical interface
2) find one that is free

Your simulation could have been done and overwith with SwitcherCad or some other free versions. I mean really, why worry about the graphical interfaces? If they sucked (some do!), I surely wouldnt use them and many others would not either. But these days, they really are easy and helpful. So you ought to try one and be done with it.

Well, basically, nothing really against the GUI's, but ... just wanna have some kind of text-based simulator. Don't ask about the reason, it's just smth inside me. Just wanna have one.

But, friendly speaking, if we'll take for example our lovely MultiSim, which is great in a way, but .. It uses SPICE to get the numbers. All what it does, is converting those numbers into lovelly graphix. So, as for me, I just wanna have those numbers, without graphix and without system resources being spend for graphical representation of the numbers.

Well, I'm in a way, old-fasion fanatic. Still active at FIDONet, still using console mode linux at HOME/Institute/work/etc. Although using GUIs sometimes for PCB development. Otherwise, I don't need GUI.

But once again ... Nothing personal ... Nothing against GUIs ... It's just smth inside me.

I understand... you want what you want..

Well, some of the modern tools can run from command line so you might be able to find something there.. otherwise, I suggest searching for older/outdated PSPICE books that came with a free version of the software. If you can find one that is old enough, you may get the command line only version of the simulator.
Have you looked here? There is a 1.2Mb downloadable file called spice3f5.tar.gz, which might be what you're looking for. I found this page by Googling "berkeley spice code".

The funniest thing is that I have a book ("Microelectronic Circuits" by Sedra (sorry, if misspelled) & Smith), which has 2 CDs, one of which is supposed to have some version of MSim, and the other one MSim2001 (said to be "freeware book edition = SPICE), but unfortunately, both of MSims are just the 100% same commercial shareware version of Multisim, for which I'm supposed to buy a license. So, no Spice ...

Ron H said:
Have you looked here? There is a 1.2Mb downloadable file called spice3f5.tar.gz, which might be what you're looking for. I found this page by Googling "berkeley spice code".

Yep, but it takes some time to port it to different compiler than Microsoft C 5.1, for which it is made. Working on it. Thanx.
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