I'm about to order a LCD like that but 1 is 2.4" and the other is 2.8" when I do I'll be sure to post info on it. For now I might sell these fr parts and use the money to buy a new LCD with correct info
I suspect that the M denotes Motorola since all my searches for MQSPI that are relevant lead to PDF files of the block diagram for Motorola cell phones and Motorola invented SPI, the SPI definetly is Serial Peripheral Interface from looking at the block diagrams. The Q could stand for anything - maybe Qualcomm since they make a lot of cell phone parts. All that doesn't really help a lot but you might try searching for "spi lcd driver ic" and maybe include the pixel size "spi lcd driver ic 320 x 240" etc. Alternately, if you have more than 1 you might sacrifice 1 to see if can see a part number on a chip or, if you still have the phone or device it came out of you might be able to capture enough data to figure out how to control it with no other documentation. Monitor the Clock and Sdata lines. You are a pretty bright guy Jason and I believe you might be able to do it.