Square wave Inverter using PIC16f877..

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I am working on Square wave Inverter, after this i will go to sin wave using UC...
so, after completing Inverter using MOSFET and SG3524 PWM chip...
I want to know the procedure of feeding to transformer Center taped ....

I am working on Square wave Inverter, after this i will go to sin wave using UC...
so, after completing Inverter using MOSFET and SG3524 PWM chip...
I want to know the procedure of feeding to transformer Center taped ....

Please post a diagram and program coding of the work you have done yourself on this project, so that we can help you debug it.
I have generated the pwm as usual with adc and completed the mosfet driver with push pull to discharge mosfet gate capacitor quickly...
anyway, i need how to make wave of equal time period for feeding to both transformer...
I have generated the pwm as usual with adc and completed the mosfet driver with push pull to discharge mosfet gate capacitor quickly...
anyway, i need how to make wave of equal time period for feeding to both transformer...

Post your version of the PWM driven transformer circuit , stating the voltage and power details of the project.

Its not possible to help you unless we know the full specification requirements of the project.
OK, transformer rating ~600VA 12V center tap secondary has 4 winding for voltage regulation....
At 220V 50Hz....

#include <htc.h>
#define _XTAL_FREQ 20000000
void main()
	TRISA = 0xff ;
	ADCON0=0b10000001;//000 = channel 0, (RA0/AN0)
 	TRISC = 0 ;
	PR2 = 0b11111001 ;
	T2CON = 0b00000100 ;   
	CCP1CON = 0b00111100;                  
	PORTC = 0 ;  
   		CCPR1L = ADRESH ;


  • 121.jpg
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How are the two lower transistors powered.??

From SG3524 it works on 12V...anyway i will post one more circuit later please you concentrate on uC PWM feeding rest i will manage..
From SG3524 it works on 12V...anyway i will post one more circuit later please you concentrate on uC PWM feeding rest i will manage..

after completing Inverter using MOSFET and SG3524 PWM chip...
I want to know the procedure of feeding to transformer Center taped ...

You initially asked for help with the transformer driver,??

The circuit you posted does not work, is that the complete circuit you posted.??

Have you really completed the inverter design.??


  • AAesp03.gif
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You initially asked for help with the transformer driver,??

I am asking the way to get PWM at 2 terminal of transformer for Push-pull....

No, its not complete schematic. i have made it few months back..and working fine with voltage regulation.
Why all the extra complexity in the circuit?

For a 12v powered push-pull inverter, you can just use 2 NFETs with logic level compatible gate voltages, and drive them direct from the PIC digital output pins!

Like the last half of this circuit;

**broken link removed**

As for "PWM" you don't need that on a modified square wave inverter. Check out the procedure i used on this page under heading "XTAL-locked 50Hz and 60Hz push-pull inverter";

You drive each transformer half with a 75% duty, like this;
GP0 - outputA, sequence; 01110000
GP1 - outputB, sequence; 00000111
so each pin is on for 3/4 of its half cycle.
OK, here is the schematic of Push-pull..............


  • PUSHPULL.pdf
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After seeing this circuit can you help me...with the procedure of feeding PWM to center tap transformwer?
Maybe he is using PWM to regulate the output voltage of the crude modified sinewave (actually a modified square-wave) inverter.

I have never needed and never used an inverter because I do not go camping and my electrical utility company provides very reliable electricity and the voltage regulation is very good.
I have never needed and never used an inverter because I do not go camping and my electrical utility company provides very reliable electricity and the voltage regulation is very good.

You live in Canada. Have you ever been in India? You'll rather go camping..
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