squirrel repelling project

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New Member
Hello, I am very inexperienced with electronics and i have to build-it seems to me- a very complicated electronic circuit. This circuit is for scareing away a squirrel with sound. This circuit can not have a mechanical switch and when the squirrel triggers the circuit, it must emit a sound that only a squirrel can hear. This sound can not be heard by a dog or a human and must stay on for five seconds after the circuit is triggered. If anyone has any information that could be useful to me it would be much appreciated
well, first you have to give us the freq. that you intend to use (the one that only a squerl can hear)
SupeR-NovA said:
well, first you have to give us the freq. that you intend to use (the one that only a squerl can hear)

I could be wrong (I havn't looked into it) but I wouldn't think that a squirrel's range of hearing is higher than a dogs (why would it be?)
If that is the case, one couldnt produce a sound that a squirrel can hear but a dog cannot.
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