Starting and the LCD

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New Member
A while back I lost a hard drive and a lot code. Luckily I had burnt some stuff to a CD, so I was able to get up and running fairly easily. But, I‘m having to start all over again. Anyway this project is the result. I zipped up the entire project so anyone should be able to get it up and running easily enough. There’ s a lot of notes, some thing that I didn’t use to do. If you are new to the PIC, my only suggestion would be to go slow through the listings and use a generous helping of MPLAB’s help file. This is my first attempt at using the PAGESEL so any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I haven’t tested everything so I would also be interested in what doesn’t work. One last thing , I like the macro. Anyway have fun. This is my 1st post, hope Idid it right


    24.8 KB · Views: 125
There is a two part tutorial by one of the electronic magazines in the UK. The first part explains how to use the LCD with switches. The second talks about hooking it to a micro controller.

If someone can find them I will make a stick about them.
That is what I was looking for. This question is asked so frequently that a sticky with a link to this and Nigel's tutorial might be handy. Perhaps on in C and Basic too.
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