Starting with Microcontrollers

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Character displays (of the type you would usually find in a terminal which is interfaced with printf() in standard C).

If Atmel doesn't have them, then I guess I can still use PIC since there is the cpik compiler which is neat enough for linux.

I just want to know WHICH to start with. Obviously the thing I'm looking for is cheapness and easiness to interface.
The easy thing to do is to use a LCD display with the driver chip on the display. This is the common way.

In c you can use fprinf(destPointer,format_string,....); to print to any device so long as the desPointer points to a driver that will print a single character.

In C18 it is a bit different in that you use H_USER in place of the destPointer. That is explained in the manual.

But let me say again. If you are doing this sort of IO any 8 bit micro controller will work.
The easy thing to do is to use a LCD display with the driver chip on the display. This is the common way.

Got any links to sample code ?

You mean like
fprintf(H_USER, "Hello World!\n");
is the equivalent of
printf("Hello World!\n");
And do you have a link to the .pdf of the manual ?

But let me say again. If you are doing this sort of IO any 8 bit micro controller will work.

OK. Then what capabilities do the special "LCD" microcontrollers have ?
The microchip **broken link removed** has the C18 lib manual that documents their H_USER info.

Yes it prints "Hello World" to the LCD if the driver has been setup. There are several drivers out there for various LCD controllers. If I do not have my wires crossed the HD44780 is the most popular. I expect that C18 XLCD supports it.

But when starting I suggest you start with simple things like light leds and such. Then move ahead when you are more comfortable.

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Thanks. The documentation was really helpful. Cleared up most of my doubts regarding fprintf() and printf() implementation in microcontrollers.
Late post, but..
I'm also seeing mixed signals. Power and easy to use are generally mutually exclusive.

The easiest starter for Cortex-M3 is probably the LPCXpresso. With this, the platform is tied to the code sized limited CodeRed development environment.
NXP Semiconductors - Microcontrollers [LPCXpresso]

You can also try the MBED, which is a powerful LPC1768, but has a simple web based development platform. It's not a serious solution for final products, though.
Rapid Prototyping for Microcontrollers | mbed
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