Sorry to be a pain, but I dont think ill have a very good reference to earth, also the power supply will be battery. Am I asking too much?? I was think maybe some sort of signal generator in the handle of the racket, recieved at a control box via a single piece of wire, that creates the game itself.
The trouble is, you need an earth connection on order for this to work. Maybe the chassis of a motorbike will provide enough capacitive coupling to earth?
I don't know, I've never done this before.
My only experience of this kind of thing is building an audio frequency 555 astable and noticing that the piezo made a quiet beep when I held one lead in my hand and connected the other to the output, despite the fact that I wasn't touching the rest of the circuit. I concluded that there must've been enough capacitive coupling between the circuit's power supply and I to provide a return for the signal.
I am a motorcycle instructor involved in a council run road safety open day. The idea of this is for advanced motorcycle riders to test their slow control skills, in a controlled environment!! I assure you all everything will be as safe as possible! Hence the need for no trailing lead!! Not for a toy mounted ON a motorbike! A 30' straight piece of wire to ride alongside.
The length of the piece of wire might be a problem because it will radiate power away from it.
All you want to do is find a way to measure the impedance connected to the output of an oscillator, as soon as the impedance drops, it means something is touching the wire. You'll probably have to design and simulate the circuit but it probably still won't work when you build it so you'll need to calibrate it.
Is it just a straight line?
What about a mechanical solution?
A piece of fishing line stretched out with a switch connected to one end. When the tension on the line increases very slightly, the switch is activated and the alarm is sounded. You might need to use strain gauge if you want it to be really sensitive but the principle is still the same.