Stepper acceleration

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New Member
How is the stepper motor acceleration done?
I know the basics of ramping up-ramping down...what i wish to know is

1. For what speeds is this to be done?
2. For how much time is this to be done, does anyone have any graph with values etc for this?
3. Also what exactly is the chopper drive circuit for high speed operation of steppers?
4. What are generally the rpm's/frequency at which steppermotor are driven?

Thanking youin anticipation...
Have a look at this.

a discussion on stepper accelleration calculations... may be on interest.

Practically when you need to ramp up/down will depend on the application and stepper motor used. I don't think there's an overall answer (speeds or ramp time).

Find the data sheets for your motor, this will lead you to rpm vs frequency. Try to google something close to you solution for other bits of info.

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