stepper motor driver 5A

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I'm looking for another one that can work with Interface and computer . if you know how can i control the pic driver circuit with a computer please let me know .
There have been many articles and designs published for controlling a stepper motor using the old parallel port interface. Unfortunately the parallel port interface as well as the RS232 interface are disappearing on newer home computer systems. The currently popular serial port of choice is likely the USB port(s). There are also for example assorted Ethernet Controller designs out there allowing for wireless control. You would first decide on the computer interface and then the hardware interface you want to use. There are off the shelf solutions like The Stepper Bee for one example or you can find a simple DIO device and build your own from scratch. So again it comes down to choosing a port type and the hardware needed for interfacing. Then there is a matter of the programming for the chosen interface and hardware. Off the shelf solutions like the one I linked to often give you the starter stuff and programming suggestions.

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