Stepper motor interface with pc

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New Member
Hi there

am trying to interface a stepper motor to my pc ( p4) can any one of u
assist me how to go with this , please give any links associated with this topic, :?: [/b]
Vinayakpadiyar said:
Hi there

am trying to interface a stepper motor to my pc ( p4) can any one of u
assist me how to go with this , please give any links associated with this topic, :?: [/b]

Try using google, there's LOT's of stepper information on the net.
i built this and if you know a language that can talk to the I/O ports like pascal , you would be all set..
The schematic is at the bottom of the page.
each flip flop can control one mosFET .. so you can control one unipolar stepper motor ,one with four winding wires and two wires for Vcc..
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