I am doing a project using a stepper motor to act as a wind generator in order to charge a 5v Lithium cell when there is an abundance of wind.
I will like to know if I can get more advice about how to achieve the project. I have bought a 24V,6 wires Unipolar Stepper motor, 1.8-degree steps
You can use 2 rectifiers to convert the output of both windings to dc.
You can select the output voltage by using the winding taps, and or by placing the output of the 2 coils in series or parallel,
Motors are easy to turn when you pick them up and turn by hand. HOWEVER, attach a load like a small light bulb, or a sold piece of wire across all coils and you'll see how difficult it becomes. Make sure you set your expectations of power out to ease of turning before you connect it to a bank of LEDs and put it out into the wind.
To add to gophert, imagine that a typical human cycling on a bike can generate about 100-150W for some longish period. Now imagine how strong wind and how big propeller you would need to get same amount of effort. Just a quick google search here shows a system with 1.2m propeller (4ft dia) is rated at 400w with pretty breezy 12m/s wind (27mph) https://www.amazon.ca/Marsrock-Generator-Powerful-3Blade24V-Controller/dp/B07JFSR2KX
Stepper motors come in all sizes. Do you have a link to the one you have?
Edit, depending on size and needed power, the simplest construction is probably a Savonius rotor - 2 halves of a large coke bottle hay be enough. Google "Savonius rotor" for more.
Motors are easy to turn when you pick them up and turn by hand. HOWEVER, attach a load like a small light bulb, or a sold piece of wire across all coils and you'll see how difficult it becomes.