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Dear all,

I want to learn RTOS.

For this - I've selected 'microcontroller as 8051' and 'Free RTOS'.

What's the next step ? where to go..?

Please Guide...

I like the 8051.. very much, but support is dying, so factor that in before you start..

The basic 8051 isn't very resourcefull so you'll need to add peripherals... There is a port of freeRtos for the 8051 here but you'll really need to use their compiler.. I think there is a free version. You can use SDCC ( free compiler ) there is information on that web site.

You need to compile the RTOS for the compiler you need to use.. Good luck.. Quite advanced stuff. May I ask what its intended use is.
I like the 8051.. very much, but support is dying, so factor that in before you start..

...You need to compile the RTOS for the compiler you need to use.. Good luck.. Quite advanced stuff. May I ask what its intended use is.

Dear sir,

All i require is - 'to learn RTOS and how to use it'...

Microcontroller like 8051 is not an issue... I may change the microcontroller if required...

The matter is 'how to use RTOS' and what are its applications ...


I need to brush up my skills...
Learning an RTOS isn't your first step.... The microcontroller 8051 is easy to learn on ( hence why its used in schools ) Build a circuit and down load the RTOS and compile it.. once you can get task 1 to blink an LED at 4 hz and task 2 to blink one at 2hz you are there.. RTOS can be simple tasks..
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