It takes around 10 input cycles, because of the time constant of the pulse integrator. I note the Freq-to-V circuit in your post #33 sim has significant time constants too. Tried to run it but don't have all the files for the Spice models/symbols. What are you using for the F-to-V, PUT, Servo, pot_jeffrey ?
I think any analogue F-to-V will involve delays when F changes. Perhaps digital (e.g. micro) is the way to go if delays are going to be a problem. What response time are you hoping to achieve? I have designed another F-to-V (actually Period-to-V) circuit which settles in no more than 3 input pulse cycles (= 150ms at 600rpm) if you're interested?
Draft 2 shows response time.
Servo is just for show, it does nothing,
pot_jeffrey is pot10t from Pote.lib, but I modified it so I can use the whole number.
.SUBCKT pot10t 1 2 3
.param w=limit(SET,1m,9.99)
R0 1 3 {Rt*(10-w)/10}
R1 3 2 {Rt*(w)/10}
It was:
*.SUBCKT pot10t 1 2 3
*.param w=limit(set,1m,9.99)
*R0 1 3 {Rt*(1-0.1*w)}
*R1 3 2 {Rt*0.1*(w)}
PUT is from Ujt&Put.lib which I got with LtSpiceIV_Plus_12_2009.exe at ltwiki component library
.Subckt 6028 1 2 3
Q1 2 4 3 NMOD
Q2 4 2 1 PMOD
.MODEL NMOD NPN(IS=2E-15 VAF=100 IKF=0.3 ISE=2.5E-12
+ NE=1.6 RE=0.15 RC=0.15 CJE=7E-10 TF=0.6E-8
+ CJC=2.2E-10 TR=4.76E-8 XTB=3)
.MODEL PMOD PNP(IS=22E-15 VAF=100 IKF=0.3 ISE=1E-12
+ NE=1.7 RE=0.15 RC=0.15 CJE=7E-10 TF=1.6E-8
+ CJC=2.2E-10 TR=5.1E-8 XTB=3)
f>v is an LM2907-8
and yes, I'd like to see your Period-to-V circuit,
I hope I got every thing covered
Kinarfi AKA Jeff