STM32F407 Boards

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Well-Known Member
I have 2 of these boards. Made by me from scratch. They have a reset button, all pins broken out and a STLINK2 port for programming/debugging. Powered via Micro USB (5v to 3.3v reg) or via 3.3v pin (vdd). Its basically a STM32F4-DISCOVERY without all those pins being wasted. So you have even more GPIO. Its also smaller but same form

Any interest?

Price $12 each (free s/h in USA) Board & Schematic files in eagle (PDF if needed)

Edited: Added another image.


  • stm32f4_1.jpg
    55.8 KB · Views: 765
  • stmwork.jpg
    47.1 KB · Views: 486

I just check your photo, and PDF, We have these parts that you required, but i am not sure whether you still need ?
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