Stuck for a project , need inspiration???

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Never mind burning data onto CDs. You can now toast information from the net onto bread, thanks to Robin Southgate’s smart kitchenware.
**broken link removed**
An elegantly simple marriage of old-fashioned thermal mechanics and smart new internet technology.


  • 96-a.gif
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Wow... I must say, that... that is really, really dumb... but, it's still AWESOME! :lol: :lol: :lol: That seems like the kind of thing that's just dumb enough to sell too. Everyone wants to know what the weather is going to be like in the morning. So, think about it. You wake up, go out to the kitchen and to make yourself some toast. Then, when it pops up, you can say, "Oh, it's going to be sunny today!" then, spread some butter on it, and eat it! :lol:
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