Stun Gun

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I was wondering if I could use (MET-01) as the transformer for this circuit?

Mouser part # 838-MET-01
Digi-Key part# MT4143-ND

Wha'da'ya think?

Any comments?

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Sorry, my bad! I live in Greece, Athens. The law is definitely different from the U.S. for example for real guns at least (not permitted here) but i have no idea about a stun gun? I thoink i heard it was illegal here but i am not sure
No idea about Greece, but now you've filled your location in someone may know the answer.

In the UK it's seriously illegal, similar to having a gun.
Then i guess it should be the same here. Doesn't the european union have a common policy about such things?

No it doesn't, the UK is far more restrictive then most of the EU. Even the Olympic shooting team aren't allowed to have guns!
The little toy in this thread might stun an ant. I don't think Police would call it a stun gun.
Nigel Goodwin said:
I doubt the UK Police would test it, nor that the law specifies any particular power - it would be illegal, end of story

It would depend how its used. There's nothing to suggest it's a "stun gun", it's just a device which produces 1800V output with low current. A vandergraph generator isn't illegal, for example. But if you walked down the street and zapped someone with it, you may well be arrested for assault.

Out of interest, does anyone know the output voltage of the battery-powered shockers which are designed to look like pens? They deliver a nasty electric shock when someone convinces you to depress the button
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Not at all, it's an illegal weapon, and just possession of it is a serious criminal offence in the UK.

Its classification as a weapon is dependent upon its use. A steak knife is a weapon if used to stab someone. If you made this device to actually be fired like a gun, then I agree; but the specifications really just enable 1,800V output from a 9V battery; there's no reason to consider that a weapon unless it's used as such.

By the way, I am also english
Its classification as a weapon is dependent upon its use. A steak knife is a weapon if used to stab someone.

And if you carry one on the streets you are likely to be arrested - you don't need to stab anyone, just carry it.

If you made this device to actually be fired like a gun, then I agree; but the specifications really just enable 1,800V output from a 9V battery; there's no reason to consider that a weapon unless it's used as such.

There's no problem whatsoever with an 1800V generator - but if it's made so it can be used as a stun-gun (which is what this thread is about) then it's illegal. If it's made so there's no way it could be used as a stun-gun, then it wouldn't be illegal.
There's no problem whatsoever with an 1800V generator - but if it's made so it can be used as a stun-gun

There'd need to be evidence that it was intended for use as a stun-gun. As for carrying a steak knife on the street - if you had just bought it and had it in its original packaging, there'd be no grounds for arrest. If you had it concealed somewhere, there's reasonable evidence that it was intended to be used as a weapon. The same principle applies here.

Anyway this is getting off-topic

Not at all, there's a legal use for a steak knife, there isn't for a stun gun - which is treated just the same as a real gun. Just as with a real gun, possession is illegal, and a serious criminal act - no need for any evidence you intend to use it.

Anyway this is getting off-topic

Not really.
Not at all, there's a legal use for a steak knife, there isn't for a stun gun - which is treated just the same as a real gun. Just as with a real gun, possession is illegal, and a serious criminal act - no need for any evidence you intend to use it.

We're not exactly talking about a stun gun here, we're talking about an 1,800V generator; one potential application is to use as a component of a stun gun. 'Real' guns are specifically classified as firearms and are illegal without a valid licence (for hunting etc.).

As for the evidence that you intend to use it, that's not what I said - I said there needs to be evidence that it is intended for use as a weapon. I.e. that it was either created for the purpose of being a weapon, or that it is in your possession because you intend to use it as one. A sharpened pencil can make a lethal weapon but would only be considered as such if it was used as one.

And discussing the legality of various weapons in the UK is really getting a bit off-topic here, so let's just leave it at that.

can i get some help here ?

i made my gun and the picture here is 2nd Transformer

after my first step up transformer im getting ~170 V (pulsing DC @20khz) from 9V
primary of the first has ~20 turns, secondary has about 500

but after i connect that to the second transformer i get NOTHING out, and the voltage on the secondary of the 1st transformer drops to 0

what's up with that ?


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