Stupid IE breaks my

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Active Member
Pommie pointed out to me today that my site isn't rendering properly in IE browsers. I didn't test on IE so I didn't know. And what a broken, horrible mess it makes of my nice work!

IE is not even close to standards-compliant. Microsoft pretty much makes up their own ways of doing things and ignores the standards. If you want to see the site properly browse it with Firefox or Opera or other standards compliant browser.

I'm going thru it right now and making the necessary fixes so buggy, crappy IE will display it correctly. It will take a bit of time.
August Treubig said:
You mean the EXPLODER???
Yes, the Exploder strikes again. I foolishly assumed that Joomla would make the necessary fixes to work around IE's bugs. So I didn't test. But it didn't fix anything, and the site is harshly broken when viewed in IE.

Support and use Firefox!!
You can say that again!
All fixed, I think. If anyone sees any problems/errors please let me know
The only reason why IE is popular is because MS bundled it with Windows.

Even though they've improved it with in 7, it still isn't good enough. They still haven't implemented important standards like SGV yet which is holding back the web.
Hero999 said:
The only reason why IE is popular is because MS bundled it with Windows.

Even though they've improved it with in 7, it still isn't good enough. They still haven't implemented important standards like SGV yet which is holding back the web.
No proper support for PNG's either. GIF's just won't cut it anymore.

Incorrect rendering of quite a few CSS things. Still have to do stupid workarounds to make things work like they should.
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