suggest a better data selector

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Well-Known Member
here is my first schematic of the chronograph for an air cannon I am assisting in building.
I failed to add the transducer input but need to figure a better way to select which data to display as the schematic has a 16 x 2 LCD display.
I have several 20 x 4 LCD displays but how to use is another can of worms.
In this schematic, sw1 selects which data to display (wind speed/direction or muzzle velocity) need to add air chamber pressure as well.
all 3 sources of data could be displayed at one time but how to tell PIC what to do (have never worked with LCD displays and very little PIC.
I inserted a selector (sw1) which is connected to two pins on the PIC.
I figure have a read routine to read the pins then which ever one is HIGH then that's the data to display.
got to be a better graceful way of accomplishing this?
be nice to display all on one display at same time


  • chrono2.PNG
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