Suggestion about the design

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New Member
hi all,

Kindly suggest me to improve my design skills...


  • Design_Bottom.bmp
    1.9 MB · Views: 301
  • Design_top.bmp
    1.9 MB · Views: 308
Very clean and precise.

It would help, though, if you could either post the schematic or at least let us know what is the function of the circuit (component placement being important in some cases).

Actually this circuit contains DC-DC Converters, 4 line LCD, Controller, Op amp, Opto coupler and FET
I am getting External analog input, this will read by ADC, based on that input i need to drive the FET and also dispaly the input volt, Duty cycle and other details . Thats the major thing in this project otherwise nothing in the schematic... this is used inject the Fuel in industry
It carries maximum of 5A from DC-DC.
Kindly give me an idea about the design...
Again, with no more info than a PCB trace image, hard to assess.

But if I go on the circuit description and image alone, it appears to provide adequate trace widths and landing/solder/heatsink areas. There do not (from your description) appear to be any frequencies that would raise component placement coupling issues.

Seems to have adequate PCB mounting points, although pure speculation on my part.
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