Suggestions small lift device for computer mod

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Frigid Zephyr

New Member
Alright now i only have a basic knowledge of electronics, im mainly a computer geek on the programming\ gadgety \ hardware side.

What im doing is building a MOD for a computer case. On the top part
of the case there will be a extruding metal box piece that has a hatch on
top. The box will rise about two inches above the top of the case, inside
there will be a hole cut out into the case. I want to mount a lift type device to hold a 5 inch long Plastic canister with metal caps on both ends. On the outside of the case i want a button that i can press and the canister will rise up and push open the hatch and maybe come about three or four inches out.
when i push the button again it should lower back down. nice and slow like.
perferably since this should be powered off the computers power supply it would be nice for it to be 12v DC motor of some sort. I can solder and all that and have basic mechanical assembly skills. I know i canbuild it , I just need to know what kind of motor. what would be the best way to set it up, i dont know the terminology but maybe some kind of gear system with a shaft with teeth on it connected to a little platform that the canister could sit on? anyways I have no idea where to start with this hehe . the canister might weight like a pound maybe 2 , so somthing with a little power, but as small as possible.
nuclear reactor mod

gonna have a computer with two nuclear looking cooling towers on it and on the top front part of it a little metal box looking nuclear reactor holder. when you press a button , the hatch will open with a glowing UV reactive water filled canister rising out. there will also be a fog machine contained in a box on the side which directs fog out of the cooling towers only, not on to any compuer parts. i just need suggestions on how to make a small lift to lift the canister out.
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