I have this idea which I think can work. I have not started working on this project yet, I am still in the process of browsing but not finding much. I would like to get your opinions on this.
I have a few bushes in my yard that are under two large trees. At the beginning of the season (I am in Quebec so we start from scratch in Spring) all is good until the leaves grow on the trees at the point where it hides the sun from the bushes. The latter are not giving me as much flowers as they should.
My idea is to track the sun from a location where I have no shade on my yard and then scan the bushes using small mirrors with the reflection of the sun in the same way as a laser show and/or like an old CRT tube. The scanning idea is to reduce the size of the mirrors. I understand the bushes would only get a % of sunlight but a % is better than nothing and might be enough.
I foresee this project in 3 parts.
1 – Tracking the sun location based on a position on the earth, I have seen some code (Arduino) that does that so this is not an issue.
2 - I would then have to figure out how to redirect the reflection to a specific place in my yard with the option of sizing x and y axis. This part looks more complicated to me but in the worst case, I can manually change the position and log the data based on each day of the year for the first year.
3 – Since I’d be working with the sun and nothing would be needed if the sun is not out, I would implement solar as the power for this project (no problem there).
Any thoughts?