Switching 4-Signal Souces using 4016 TDM

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It presents switching of 2 sources using CMOS CD4016 Analog Switch into a single channel.

My question is, how can I switch 4 sources using a 'single clock'.

Here is my 'complex' interpretation,
Use clock to run one mod-4 asynchronous counter with outputs Q0, Q1.
Then construct one 'logic circuit' to drive 4016 according to the truth table given in the


Can anybody suggests some easy tricks ?


  • 4016TDM.png
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I don't understand exactly what you want to do. Do you want switch the 4 sources to a single input? or do you want to switch the 4 sources to 4 inputs, in other words do just want to switch the 4 source off and on?
I don't understand exactly what you want to do. Do you want switch the 4 sources to a single input? or do you want to switch the 4 sources to 4 inputs, in other words do just want to switch the 4 source off and on?

I just want to implement TDM for four sources using single 4016 by single clock.OK...
A CD4016 is very old and has a high on-resistance. A CD4066 is improved with a much lower on-resistance.
A CD4052 has two improved switches that are one input to 4 outputs or 4 inputs to one output. The switches have two binary control inputs.
You can use a counter with decoded output such as the CD4017 or the CD4022. These outputs can drive the 4016 or 4066 directly.

Be aware though, that if you set Vss to a negative voltage for the switch to carry analog signals, then the digital control signals need to go between Vss and Vdd, not between Vdd and ground.
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