I respectively disagree, they are most certainly between the keyboard and chair .
Actually i i am still in some shock having read his critique of your code, do me a favor......next time you want to help, please go slap yourself around the head until it passes.
You are right of course. But the Junebug problems amplified the fundamental problem.
Yeah, I definitely did not appreciate the ill-informed critique of "too much boolean", especially when I took the effort to explain every step in great deal.
If you're going to proceed with Swordfish on the Junebug then I found a code snippet that may help with debugging.
As you will remember Bill was very fond of charlieplexing and used it for the LEDs. This makes a simple job of turning on an LED a little more complex.
This is a sub in Swordfish to light LEDs 0 to 5.
Sub LED(num As Byte)
Const LedTris(6) As Byte =(%10111110,%10111110,%00111111,%00111111,%01111110,%01111110)
Const Leds(6) As Byte =(%00000001,%01000000,%01000000,%10000000,%10000000,%00000001)
End Sub
What debug facility does it lack that anything else has? I routinely debug SF using the simulator/PK2/PK3/ICD3 in mplab just like I would with XC8. If you want to debug using a uart that's easy enough too.
I used MPLAB X with XC8. Don't think you can use it with the old IDE
If you're going to proceed with Swordfish on the Junebug then I found a code snippet that may help with debugging.
As you will remember Bill was very fond of charlieplexing and used it for the LEDs. This makes a simple job of turning on an LED a little more complex.
This is a sub in Swordfish to light LEDs 0 to 5.
Sub LED(num As Byte)
Const LedTris(6) As Byte =(%10111110,%10111110,%00111111,%00111111,%01111110,%01111110)
Const Leds(6) As Byte =(%00000001,%01000000,%01000000,%10000000,%10000000,%00000001)
End Sub
If I'm not mistaken, this mod' allows lighting LEDs 0 thru' 5 without affecting other I/O on RA2 thru' RA5 (maybe)?
' JuneBug Charlieplexed matrix on RA0, RA6, and RA7
Sub LED(num As Byte)
Const LedTris(6) As Byte =(%10111110,%10111110,%00111111,%00111111,%01111110,%01111110)
Const Leds(6) As Byte =(%00000001,%01000000,%01000000,%10000000,%10000000,%00000001)
' TRISA=LedTris(num)
' PORTA=Leds(num)
TRISA = TRISA xor ((LedTris(num) xor TRISA) & %11000001))
PORTA = PORTA xor ((Leds(num) xor PORTA) & %11000001))
End Sub
Thx Mike
As per normal, i still havnt got around to getting past installing sf! Time gets really short this time of year. The more i read on it however, the more i think it would suite the kids i teach. I had meant to start playing with it today, but Friday i had some jobs come in that have eaten my time. Worse still these are all service jobs so not paid for .
On top of that we upgraded the office computers and had win 8.1 put on and win 10 taken off, they took the old pc's in exchange and i have lost some the program files we had on them. My mistake for not checking they were going to take away the older machines.
I have a linux laptop i set up, only to discover simplicity studio wont run on it! So looks like it will become my microchip dev machine lol. If i can get the old version of altium working on it, well out of date now but was from way back on a laptop i got from school. No way am i buying a altium license!! Or a newer proteus one.
Had the first ever board i made and sold back on friday, they want some code updating. Looking at the board i am going to re design it and get a new one made before sending it back, its embarrassing looking at a board i made 4 years ago!! Nice soldering but the design is............ awful is polite. I wouldnt dream of sending it back lol besides i cant add the extra channel they want, i was stupid and didnt bring the left over pins out to a header.
Also looks like i was obsessed with straight lines and 90 degree corners , as for ground planes and copper fills....whats that? lol. Man i remember being so proud of that board when i did it, looking at it now i want to scrub my name off lol.