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SWR measure with pic (problem with word variable)

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New Member
I'm trying to make a digital SWR meter to use for an automatic tuner for my stack.
My problem is the result of swr that is obtained by the sum of the forward voltage and reverse voltage (of a bridge reflectometric) divided by (their difference).
Help me please.

program adc_lcd 
' * 
' * Project name: 
' Adc_On_Lcd 
' * Copyright: 
' (c) mikroElektronika, 2008 
' * Revision History: 
' 20080225: 
' - initial release. 
' * Description: 
' This code demonstrates how to use library function ADC_read, and library 
' procedures and functions for LCD display (4 bit interface) 
' * Test configuration: 
' MCU: PIC16F877A 
' Dev.Board: selfmade
' Oscillator: HS, 4.000 MHz 
' Ext. Modules: None 
' SW: mikroBasic v7.1 
' * NOTES: 
' - Make sure you put the jumper on RA2 at A/D Converter Input (board specific) 
' - Switch on LCD on SW9 (Lcd backlight) 
' - Notice the change of ADC value on Lcd while you turn P1 (board specific) 
' * 

dim ch as byte 
adc_rd as word 
adc_rd1 as word 
Text as char[17] 
tlong as longint 
ros as word 
tlong1 as longint 

PORTD = 0 ' clear PORTD 
TRISD = 0 ' designate PORTD as output (LCD is connected to PORTD) 
INTCON = 0 ' disable all interrupts 
Lcd_Init(PORTD) ' Lcd_Init_ 
Lcd_Cmd( LCD_CURSOR_OFF) ' send command to LCD (cursor off) 
Lcd_Cmd(LCD_CLEAR) ' send command to LCD (clear LCD) 
'Text = "mikroElektronika" ' assign text to string a 
'Lcd_Out(1,1, Text) ' print string a on LCD, 1st row, 1st column 
ADCON1 = $82 ' configure VDD as Vref, and analog channels 
TRISA = $FF ' designate porta as input 
Text = "Voltage: " ' assign text to string a 
'Lcd_Out(2, 1, Text) ' print string a on LCD, 2nd row, 1st column 
Lcd_Out(1, 16, "Vdir/Vrif") 
Lcd_Out(2, 1, "R.O.S. = ") 
while TRUE 
adc_rd = ADC_read(0) ' get ADC value from 1st channel 
tlong = adc_rd*5000 
adc_rd = tlong >> 10 
ch = adc_rd div 1000 ' prepare value for diplay 
Lcd_Chr(1, 3, 48+ch) ' write ASCII at 1st row, 9th column 
Lcd_Chr(1, 4, ".") 
ch = (adc_rd div 100) mod 10 
Lcd_Chr(1, 5, 48+ch) 
ch = (adc_rd div 10) mod 10 
Lcd_Chr(1, 6, 48+ch) 
ch = adc_rd mod 10 
Lcd_Chr(1, 7, 48+ch) 

adc_rd1 = ADC_read(1) ' get ADC value from 2nd channel 
tlong = adc_rd1*5000 
adc_rd1 = tlong >> 10 
ch = adc_rd1 div 1000 ' prepare value for diplay 
Lcd_Chr(1, 9, 48+ch) ' write ASCII at 2nd row, 9th column 
Lcd_Chr(1, 10, ".") 
ch = (adc_rd1 div 100) mod 10 
Lcd_Chr(1, 11, 48+ch) 
ch = (adc_rd1 div 10) mod 10 
Lcd_Chr(1, 12, 48+ch) 
ch = adc_rd1 mod 10 
Lcd_Chr(1, 13, 48+ch) 

ros=(adc_rd+adc_rd1) / (adc_rd-adc_rd1) 
'tlong1 = ros 
'ros = tlong1 >> 10 
ch = ros div 1000 ' prepare value for diplay 
Lcd_Chr(2, 12, 48+ch) ' write ASCII at 2nd row, 9th column 
Lcd_Chr(2, 13, ".") 
ch = (ros div 100) mod 10 
Lcd_Chr(2, 14, 48+ch) 
ch = (ros div 10) mod 10 
Lcd_Chr(2, 15, 48+ch) 
ch = ros mod 10 
Lcd_Chr(2, 16, 48+ch) 

Hello friends,
now I read in LCD display a ros without decimal (only integer) and in the wrong position.

dim ch as byte
adc_rd as word
adc_rd1 as word
Text as char[17]
tlong as longint
ros as word
tlong1 as longint

PORTD = 0 ' clear PORTD
TRISD = 0 ' designate PORTD as output (LCD is connected to PORTD)
INTCON = 0 ' disable all interrupts
Lcd_Init(PORTD) ' Lcd_Init_
Lcd_Cmd( LCD_CURSOR_OFF) ' send command to LCD (cursor off)
Lcd_Cmd(LCD_CLEAR) ' send command to LCD (clear LCD)
'Text = "mikroElektronika" ' assign text to string a
'Lcd_Out(1,1, Text) ' print string a on LCD, 1st row, 1st column
ADCON1 = $82 ' configure VDD as Vref, and analog channels
TRISA = $FF ' designate porta as input
Text = "Voltage: " ' assign text to string a
Lcd_Out(2, 1, Text) ' print string a on LCD, 2nd row, 1st column
Lcd_Out(1, 16, "Vdir/Vrif")
Lcd_Out(2, 1, "R.O.S. = ")
while TRUE
' adc_rd = ADC_read(0) ' get ADC value from 1st channel
adc_rd = 200 ' valore letto corrispondente a 5 volt
tlong = adc_rd*5000 ' trasformazione per fondo scala 5 volt
adc_rd = tlong >> 10 ' divisione per 1024 (10 bit)
ch = adc_rd div 1000 ' prepare value for diplay
Lcd_Chr(1, 3, 48+ch) ' write ASCII at 1st row, 9th column
Lcd_Chr(1, 4, ".")
ch = (adc_rd div 100) mod 10
Lcd_Chr(1, 5, 48+ch)
ch = (adc_rd div 10) mod 10
Lcd_Chr(1, 6, 48+ch)
ch = adc_rd mod 10
Lcd_Chr(1, 7, 48+ch)

' adc_rd1 = ADC_read(1) ' get ADC value from 2nd channel
adc_rd1 = 20 ' valore letto corrispondente a 4,882 volt
tlong = adc_rd1*5000 ' trasformazione per fondo scala 5 volt
adc_rd1 = tlong >> 10 ' divisione per 1024 (10 bit)
ch = adc_rd1 div 1000 ' prepare value for diplay
Lcd_Chr(1, 9, 48+ch) ' write ASCII at 2nd row, 9th column
Lcd_Chr(1, 10, ".")
ch = (adc_rd1 div 100) mod 10
Lcd_Chr(1, 11, 48+ch)
ch = (adc_rd1 div 10) mod 10
Lcd_Chr(1, 12, 48+ch)
ch = adc_rd1 mod 10
Lcd_Chr(1, 13, 48+ch)

ros=(adc_rd+adc_rd1) / (adc_rd-adc_rd1)
'tlong1 = ros
'ros = tlong1 >> 10
ch = ros div 1000 ' prepare value for diplay
Lcd_Chr(2, 12, 48+ch) ' write ASCII at 2nd row, 9th column
Lcd_Chr(2, 13, ".")
ch = (ros div 100) mod 10
Lcd_Chr(2, 14, 48+ch)
ch = (ros div 10) mod 10
Lcd_Chr(2, 15, 48+ch)
ch = ros mod 10
Lcd_Chr(2, 16, 48+ch)
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