SX28 programmer

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New Member
Is there any good (and cheab) SX28 programmers out there? schematics are the things i'm after. and plz don't give me link to fluffy programmer. i uses a pic and i dont have a programmer for that too.

also i must note that that i use it only once. to program one chip only.
i dont want to spend 30$ on a board, use it once and then just "throw it away" as i dont need it anymore. i just need to program SX28 once for a camera project and thats all. i have working firmware and everything but cant find the programmer schematic. is it really such a secret?
Why not just ask someone on this or an SX forum to program it for you?

I program people's pics for them all the time. They send me a pic and return postage; I loose 5 minutes of my valuable time but make a friend. I'm no saint or anything, so there must be others like me )


p.s. Sorry I don't do SX processors
Perhaps you might be able to borrow one from someone. This would save
you the trouble of purchasing something you'll only use once.
mhh if its

an SX28AC-A

i could do it for you.

Maybe any version of it.

i only have PDIP socket sow don't know what you had in mind.

Send me the chip incl. postage etc..

And i will do the job.


p.d. i use the picall programmer..

Its atmel,Pic,eeprom,SX chips...

one investment..great fun!
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