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New Member
i have a few of these laying around and i need to know a couple things about them. what i Vref for on this chip? and what is the minimum part count i can get away with, to run a motor with this chip?
i now need a chip that has the same (or similar) control as the ta7291(in1 in2 vref/pwm) but can drive a load up to 4 amps at 5 volts.
i now need a chip that has the same (or similar) control as the ta7291(in1 in2 vref/pwm) but can drive a load up to 4 amps at 5 volts.

Gadzooks, then why did you make your original post for the ta72915 ?

I am sure Eric has better things to do than waste his time searching for a ta72915 when that is not exactly what you want. Geez.
Check out BA6209 and stack 2 or perhaps 4 of them in parallel. let us know how it goes....
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