Take walk to beach

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i just want to showing people my experience

any comment about my video ?

i hope you enjoy it !
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It's cold, wet, and miserable here - I don't want to see people walking to the beach in a tropical paradise

I also live as far from the sea as you can get in the UK.

I wish you'd panned round to show where you'd come from though.
It's cold, wet, and miserable here - I don't want to see people walking to the beach in a tropical paradise

I also live as far from the sea as you can get in the UK.

I wish you'd panned round to show where you'd come from though.

theres no people on there

the place is really far from the city

its really quite

really hot on there ( maybe the fit word it " BURNING " )

and theres many australian too ( i think )

i never see UK what does it like ?
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theres no people on there

the place is really far from the city

its really quite

really hot on there ( maybe the fit word it " BURNING " )

and theres many australian too ( i think )

i never see UK what does it like ?

Today it's cold and wet

I live in the country, rolling hills and fields every way I look.

If you check this thread about my blood pressure, there are a number of local pictures I've taken when walking round.


Incidently, I go in for pre-op tomorrow, to have my eyes measured for next weeks cataract op.
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Hope it goes well Nigel. Thinking of you.

My eyes are also stuffed...too much close up work on PCB's.

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Beautifull beach

We had a school reunion a few years back (thinking on - 1996 - quite few years back). Amongst the ones who didn't make it was a gorgeous girl called Christine Andrews, and she sent photos.

Her and her husband were teachers somewhere similar - Malaysia, Indonesia, somewhere that way - and she sent photos of them in their bungalow near the beach, and having picnics on lovely little sandy islands.
there's no people on there
The beach looks nice BUT:
Why are there no people there? Too many sharks? Is the sand and water polluted?
You say the sand and air are "burning"?

The beaches in Spain, the Caribbean, Cuba and Canada have many people on them because there are no sharks, no pollution and the temperature is not too hot.
Very nice beach and thanks for sharing. At times the video reminded me of the Blair Witch Project but nice beach. Then too, I grew up on beaches and lived on beaches a good part of my life so now I like mountains.

it was already at day and also not too many people swim there

i want to record more on that time but my camera battery almost die

the water not too hot there , it just only the sun is become hotter and hotter from the hour to hour

also, theres no sharks and the water not too polluted
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