Talky Walky

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Well-Known Member
Here's an entertaining PM spam that was sent to me from a new menber ....

(name and email intentionally witheld)

So, can anybody here find the mysterious thread on my so-called Talky Walky projet? I must have been sleep-typing when I created it!!
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Isn't a talky walky something like a phell sone, except it only works over dort shistances?

Is it this guy?
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Isn't a talky walky something like a phell sone, except it only works over dort shistances?

Is it this guy?
No it's not him. This goober somehow came to believe that I'm working on a talky walky and wants my circuit. I do like the concept of dort shistances though. Given all that I respectfully submit the following design that should meet all the requirements mentioned:

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The main benefit to phone technology of that sort is when the monthly phone bill arrives, there are no strings attached.
I wonder if we have any forum members from Kazakhstan? Do they have the internet?
Appears they do
The Internet in Kazakhstan: welcome to the land of $3,355 per month DSL
**broken link removed**
Nice car too.
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You need electricity for the Internet to work.
You need electricity for a personal computer to work.
You need gainful employment to afford electricity and a computer.
You need to understand that Kazakhstan likely has neither of those three items.
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